2015년 4월 8일 수요일

From Italy, My friend Nicole

Ferrara, Italy
Thank you so much Nicole!
I just received your letter and this postcard with specially stamped envelope.


2015년 4월 3일 금요일

From Switzerland

I had known your country as Swiss for a long time.
I like fondue a lot :)

From Belarus

This postcards was sent by Dasha, Belarus.
We regularly send each other a postcard. :)

Great postcards from CZ

I love it!

Beautiful, wonderful, grateful!

I could collect quite a few postcards of CZ by Karolina and Draha's favors. 
Thank you so much!

From Italy

So beautiful!
Thank you again Claudia

This card arrived abt 5 years ago from my penfriend, Tiffany